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Registration examination is conducted yearly by the NTRCA in a transparent way so that the promising talented candidates shall enter into the quality teaching pool. In addition to the necessary academic aptitude a good teacher requires modern teaching skill to effectively teach students.
30 lis 2023 · এই পােস্টের মাধ্যমে আমরা অষ্টাদশ শিক্ষক নিবন্ধন নিয়োগ ২০২৩ সার্কুলারটির আবেদন যোগ্যতা, অনলাইনে আবেদন ফরম পূরণ করার নিয়ম, নিয়োগ পরীক্ষা, পরীক্ষার তারিখ, ফলাফল এবং প্রবেশপত্র ডাউনলোড ইত্যাদি সম্পর্কে বিস্তারিত জানবাে। তাহলে চলুন 18th Teacher Registration Exam Circular 2023 -এর আলােকে বিস্তারিত জেনে আসি।.
Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh Non-Government Teachers' Registration and Certification Authority Secondary and Higher Education Division, Ministry of Education : Online and SMS based Recruitment System : NTRCAR Circular: 37.05.0000., Dated: 10 May 2023
Non-Government Teachers' Registration and Certification Authority (বেসরকারি শিক্ষক নিবন্ধন ও প্রত্যয়ন কর্তৃপক্ষ) is a Bangladesh government regulatory agency under the Ministry of Education responsible for the registration and certification of teachers in private ...
4 lis 2023 · The Non-Government Teachers’ Registration and Certification Authority (NTRCA) has published the 18th circular of teacher’s registration examinations. The circular signed by the NTRCA member (examination evaluation and certification) Dr Md Abdul Mannan was published on Saturday morning.
4 lis 2023 · Interested in becoming a teacher in private schools? You can apply for the 18th Teacher Registration Exam in 2023, organized by NTRCA. The process involves three steps: a preliminary test, a written test, and an oral test for those who pass the first two.
Address: Malek Tower (5th Floor), Opposite to Farmgate Police Box, Farmgate, Dhaka-1215. Helpline: 09666775566. Email: