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Docket Search. Please choose one of the search options below: Search Cases Closed After October 10, 2008. Search Cases Closed Before October 10, 2008
Search Tips. AND searches example: medical and dental OR searches example: medical or dental Use quotation marks for exact phrase example: "medical malpractice" Use /10/ for matches within 10 words (note: this only works for the number 10)
Please click one of the links below to download a Zip file with all single judge or panel decisions from a given year.
7 lis 2024 · Log into CM/ECF (File a Document in a Case) [ *Please see information below regarding Java Web Start and browser compatibility. Having a CM/ECF Problem? CONTACT US! There are reports of some Federal Judiciary CM-ECF users being targeted by fake notifications which lead recipients to a malicious website with computer viruses.
The Case Search allows you to locate US CAVC case information using case number, case number range, or party/attorney. The format of the case number must be entered as '##-####', where the first two digits are the year and the last four are the number (with the exception of courts with 5 digits in the case numbers). For example, 05-1234.
The following lists contain both panel and full court orders and opinions. Full court orders are denoted by an "*".
Case initiating documents, such as a Notice of Appeal or a Petition for Extraordinary Relief, may be submitted via email. Represented parties may send to Self-represented parties may send to