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  1. › legislative › floor_activity_pailU.S. Senate: Floor Proceedings

    Lists the activity that took place on the Senate floor for a given legislative day.

  2. Free with your TV subscription. The House will consider several foreign policy and veterans bills under suspension of the rules including legislation prohibiting the U.S. government from...

  3. 26 lis 2024 · Watch the Senate floor live. Subscribe to The Washington Post on YouTube: us:Twitter:

  4. Your unfiltered view of the day's biggest political events & policy discussions. C-SPAN Now...Washington Unfiltered. * Access to view or listen to the three television networks is reserved for our...

  5. Displayed below are brief descriptions of each committee meeting and hearing scheduled to take place today, and on days thereafter. The time and location of each meeting/hearing is identified.

  6. Watch C-SPAN video recordings of House and Senate proceedings. Follow the Congressional Record while watching House and Senate proceedings to read each speaker's official remarks.

  7. Watch live and archived hearings from House committees. All video on plus links to resources, including House and Senate video.

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