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Check temperature, precipitation, and other climate conditions projected for the future for any county in the contiguous United States or burough in Alaska. Generate graphs or maps to compare conditions observed in the recent past (1961-1990) with conditions projected in future decades out to 2100.
22 paź 2024 · As of 2024, El Niño conditions have been present, and many experts predict they could last well into the early months of 2025. Key elements of an El Niño year include: Warmer Ocean Waters: During El Niño, ocean surface temperatures in the Pacific are notably warmer, which has wide-ranging effects on the atmosphere and global climate.
Interactive map of the hottest maximum temperatures at locations and when that record was set, recorded at thousands of U.S. stations. View this tool
Search for maximum, minimum, and average temperature normals and precipitation total normals for individual station locations from about 15,000 stations across the United States. Find annual/seasonal, monthly, daily, or hourly conventional 30-year normals and 15-year normals normals by station names.
On this page, you can view climate maps of temperature and precipitation, for Texas and the southern region of the U.S. The map background has the county outlines within each state. These maps offer a quick view of how temperature and precipitation have been trending, going back in time periods ranging from the past week to the past 90 days.
Interactive world weather map. Track hurricanes, cyclones, storms. View LIVE satellite images, rain radar, forecast maps of wind, temperature for your location.
Generate maps showing data for each of the 344 climate divisions in the U.S. Climate Divisional Database. You can specify monthly or yearly values, ranks, or anomalies for temperature, precipitation, heating and cooling degree days, and drought indices.