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Displays the estimated amount of rainfall recorded in a specific area for the last 24 hours. Click to view a rainfall totals map and see your rainfall totals by simply tapping on a map. Access current, historical, and average rainfall data for any location across the United States.
View rainfall totals across the United States. Click on any location to view rainfall totals for time frames ranging from the past hour to the last 365 days.
6 maj 2019 · County data analyses currently consist of maps and time series graphs of average temperature, maximum and minimum temperature, and precipitation. For those parameters, the public can access maps of counties by state for months, years, and seasons as well as rankings and graphs.
Explore maps that show how recent precipitation and temperture compare to their long-term average values (also know as Normal). For precipitation, explore maps of total precipitation, Normal precipitation, Anomaly (difference from Normal), and Percent of Normal.
Radar-estimated precipitation accumulation for the past 24 hours to 3 days. High resolution and interactive rainfall data on Google Maps.
Daily, Weekly, Month-to-Date, Projected, 1-Month, 3-Month, 6-Month, 12-Month, and Year-to-Date National, Regional, Statewide, Divisional, County, and Gridded Temperature and Precipitation Maps
How much rain falls in the United States? Take a close look at this US precipitation map to see where it falls the most and least. The first thing you’ll notice is that precipitation varies widely across the United States.