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UC BERKELEY CAMPUS MAP. Lawrence Berkelev National Laboratory 23 Dining Hall 70A Rd Nat'l Energy Research ... School f Cal Lab n Hertz Hall M Latim Hall all House 2333 ey um/ Highland PI Foothill Residence ... Unit I Slottm Deutsch Unit 1 Parking Durant Lot Hotel FOX 2334 Bowditch hannin Bowditc artme Chan ing t 21 hanning
23 2 58 47 51 63 82 81 55 71 46 26 78 76 75A 75 75B 69 77 79 76 67 77A 31 72 Strawberr y Entrance Molecular Foundry Grizzly ... Unit 1 Christian Slottman To wle Wada Residence Halls Unit 2 Channing/ Bowditch Apartments 2535 Channing University Relations 2080 ... UC Berkeley CampUs map.
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Haas School of Business, C-2 Hargrove Music Library, D-3 ... Unit 1, E-3 Unit 2, F-3 Unit 3, E-5 Residential and Student Services Bldg., E-3 Sather Gate, D-4 Sather Rd., C-4 Sather Tower (Campanile), C-3/4 Senior Hall, C-3 Sibley Auditorium (Bechtel Engineering ... Berkeley campus map key.
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The Berkeley Campus includes the Campus Park, home to the majority of UC Berkeley’s academic and research programs and student life facilities, the adjacent Hill Campus, Clark Kerr Campus and other university-owned properties located within the city environs surrounding the Campus Park.
Unit 1 is located just one block from campus, footsteps away from lively cafes, bookstores and shops. The Unit 1 lobby provides students an open space to study, hang out with friends, and host dorm-wide events. 2650 Durant Avenue | Interactive Campus Map | Rates.