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Learn how the unFIX model helps you create an adaptable organizational structure that supports innovation and continuous improvements. Move beyond traditional hierarchies to enable dynamic, self-managed teams.
- Product
All pattern sets from the unFIX model. Use them to build...
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We are happy to offer two new unFIX Cohort Learnings...
- Community
The unFIX Community is network of people who are interested...
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Use the unFIX cards to facilitate your workshops online and...
- About
First, the unFIX model is a pattern library that provides...
- Structural Patterns
Purpose. Structural Patterns are the back bones of your...
- Product
Our work on the unFIX model leads to people asking us a lot of great questions. Check out our answers on this page.
The unFIX model is a set of patterns to aid in the design of adaptive organizations. Unlike many agile scaling frameworks, unFIX focuses on continuous innovation and human expertise , facilitating incremental change, dynamic teams and internal leadership.
unFIX is a versatile organizational design pattern set - a full toolbox for designing and working in versatile organizations. Use it to design your organization for better collaboration, easier goal setting, and transparent discussions.
9 sty 2022 · The basic unFIX model and more evoluted implementation. You can start a very basic implementation of the model with the three elements described: a self-organizing Crew, a Captain, a Base. However, the model includes other elements to support scale and more structured implementations.
8 sty 2024 · In this article, you’ll learn what the unFIX model is, how it benefits product management, and how to build an organizational structure around it. What is unFIX? The unFIX site says that unFIX is: “Organization design for continuous innovation and better human experience.”
First, the unFIX model is a pattern library that provides many options for describing an organization design, ways of working within a team, decision-making, goal-setting, and more. Think of the pattern options in the unFIX model as Lego blocks.