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  1. ابدأ مرحلة الدراسات العليا الآن! ابدأ مسيرتك الجامعية مبكرًا فى جامعة عين شمس.من خدمة التسجيل المبكر يمكنك الالتحاق بكليات جامعة عين شمس وبرامجها الخاصة. 19-05-2024. كلية التربية جامعة عين شمس تفتتح فعاليات ثاني معرض المشي... 18-05-2024. كلية التربية جامعة عين شمس تطبق تجربة فريدة بتطبيق مشروعات... 14-05-2024.

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      ابدأ مرحلة الدراسات العليا الآن! ابدأ مسيرتك الجامعية مبكرًا...

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      تسجيل القبول المبكر في جامعة عين شمس للبرامج الخاصة...

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      Digital Management System of Ain Shams University

  2. Apply for early admission at ASU Smart Campus and get access to various services for students, graduates, and staff.

  3. Save your time and benefit from Ain Shams University Digital Services in just a few minutes. Follow us here to learn about the new services that will be added. You can also download the application called Ain Shams University Services.

  4. You must apply for enrollment in postgraduate studies electronically through the university’s electronic platform UMS, and any other method of admission is not considered. The link to apply online is at the end of the page, along with a video explaining the steps to apply.

  5. Access the electronic management system of Ain Shams University by logging in to manage various services for students, graduates, staff, and faculty members.

  6. • Early Admission For Post Graduates. • Blended Learning Admission. • Documentation Of Certificates. • Book Coursera.

  7. • The student must apply through the website of the study in Egypt platform, bearing in mind that the student writes his name according to the passport and the application will be starting on 5/20/2021.

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