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How much is 1 Micromole per liter (µmol/l)? Measurement calculator that can be used to convert Micromole per liter (µmol/l), among others. (Molar concentration)
millimole/liter micromol/milliliter mmol/L umol/mL unit conversion
Do a quick conversion: 1 micromoles/litre = 0.001 millimoles/litre using the online calculator for metric conversions. Check the chart for more details.
Enter a value below to perform a conversion. Conversions can be performed in either direction. a The laboratory values are provided for illustration only and are not intended to be comprehensive or definitive. Each laboratory determines its own values. The information in this table is adapted from and based on the following sources:
How to convert between different units. Equivalences and general conversions.
How many umol/l in 1 millimole/milliliter? The answer is 1000000. We assume you are converting between micromole/liter and millimole/millilitre.
How many Millimole per liter make 1 Micromole per liter? Measurement calculator that can be used to convert µmol/l to mmol/l (Micromole per liter to Millimole per liter), among others. (Molar concentration)