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In this section of the employee InfoHub you'll find information on salary steps, salary differentials and salary schedules for appointed teachers and teacher line staff (i.e. guidance counselors, school secretaries, laboratory specialists, psychologists, and social workers).
Teacher salary schedule (2022–27) Teacher salary schedule (2022–27) Skip to main content ... Licensing, Payment and Regulations. DOH protocol; Helpful tips to avoid payment problems; ... DOE and City Salary Schedules. Teacher; Paraprofessional; Administrative Education Officer & Analyst; Adult Education;
Full time UFT represented employees shall receive an Annual Retention Payment according to the schedule below. The payment amount will be determined by the time worked from April 1st of the previous year to March 31st of the Annual Retention Payment year (the "Look-Back Year").
Basic Salary information (Applying for salary steps, differentials, upgrades) What services are not managed by HR Connect? Employee-specific information such as timekeeping and payroll adjustments, work schedules, time-off balances, ratings, and tenure are managed by your payroll secretary/timekeeper.
For 2023-24, starting salaries for teachers range from $62,902 (bachelor’s degree, no prior teaching experience) to $86,491 (master’s degree, eight years teaching experience).
You may access any salary schedule listed from the menu. PDF versions are available for downloading and printing. Additionally, if you are a DOE-employed teacher, school counselor, school psychologist, school social worker, lab specialist, lab technician, school secretary or adult education teacher, you can use our salary schedule calculator .
4 gru 2018 · Review the teacher salary schedule, along with the guidance below, to estimate your salary. NYC Public Schools Teacher Salary Schedule Guidance: Be sure to review the salary schedule page with the most recent date.