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  1. These Booster Club Guidelines are published by the University Interscholastic League (UIL) in order to assist schools and parents with determining the proper role for local booster clubs to play as they support the students who participate in UIL sponsored contests and activities.

  2. Booster Club Guidelines ROLE OF BOOSTER CLUBS Neighborhood patrons form booster clubs to help enrich the school’s parcipaon in extracurricular acvies. The fundraising role of booster clubs is parcularly crucial in today’s economic climate. Posive and direct communicaon can prevent most problems.

  3. This document provides guidelines which govern all booster club activities related to UIL-sponsored competition. Since the UIL regulates and governs what participants, sponsors, and coaches may and may not accept, it is very important booster club members and parents are aware of these guidelines.

  4. › resources › texas-uil-booster-club-guidelinesUIL Booster Club Guidelines

    UIL's booster club guidelines presented in pamphlet, available to download.

  5. Q: What standards apply to the funds raised by a booster club? A: If a booster club supports a UIL activity, UIL guidelines and rules form an accountability structure for the booster club’s fundraising efforts. Although the UIL rules require that the booster club solicit the superintendent’s approval before beginning projects and spending

  6. › bzbedmponl3iehxnqqtz › UILBoosterClubGuidelinesUIL Booster Club Guidelines - Cloudinary

    Booster clubs should develop and annually review policies to cover: • how to obtain administra6ve approval before beginning projects; • how to plan and publicize mee6ngs;

  7. Parent Organization and Booster Clubs are solely responsible for ensuring that their Parent Organization and Booster Club is in compliance with District polices and guidelines, UIL guidelines, and state and federal regulations.

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