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Visual: “The EU Digital Identity Wallet to be available in the next few years” appears in text, followed by “entirely free of charge”. “Control your data, easy and securely” appears, followed by “Store and Share your Digital Documents”.
20 wrz 2024 · The EU Login app is developed by the European Commission to facilitate your day-to-day Multi-factor authentication for many EU applications. Once you have registered your device with your...
9 mar 2023 · It allows EU citizens to identify and authenticate themselves online without having to resort to commercial providers. It also allows people to access online services from other EU countries using their national electronic identity card.
The EU Digital Identity will be available to EU citizens, residents, and businesses who want to identify themselves or provide confirmation of certain personal information. It can be used for both online and offline public and private services across the EU.
mObywatel 2.0 to aplikacja, którą od 14 lipca można bezpiecznie i bezpłatnie pobrać na swój smartfon ze sklepu Google Play i App Store. Nowa aplikacja to przede wszystkim asystent obywatela, dzięki któremu załatwianie spraw urzędowych będzie prostsze i wygodniejsze – bez wychodzenia z domu.
Online Filing 2.0 service is the tool of choice for filing with us. You can use our web-based services to file EP, Euro-PCT and PCT applications and requests for unitary effect; and submissions in opposition, appeal, limitation and revocation proceedings before the EPO.
Make sure that the information about your EU Digital Covid Certificate has been introduced in the Patient's Internet Account (to the e-health system - P1 - by the medical staff). mObywatel (available from the 25th of June) or Moje IKP (Available from the 25th of June) or Unijny Certyfikat Covid app (available from the 10th of June