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23 sty 2023 · UDIMM to pamięci niskonapięciowe 1.35V, przeznaczone zazwyczaj do zastosowań serwerowych. DIMM to pamięć rejestrowana i buforowana, posiadająca dodatkowy bufor pomiędzy kontrolerem pamięci a DRAM. DIMM zazwyczaj posiadają standardowe dla tego typu pamięci napięcie 1.5V.
29 sty 2023 · The main difference between UDIMM and DIMM is that conventional memory is typically referred to as unbuffered or unregistered memory (UDIMMs), whereas registered memory modules are often referred to as DIMMs OR RDIMMs.
24 lis 2015 · Cytat: Pamięć UDIMM - unbuffered DIMM, jest to pamięć, która nie posiada rejestru (bufora) i dane między kontrolerem a pamięcią przesyłane są bezpośrednio bez dodatkowego bufora. Pamięć UDIMM zapewnia większą prędkość ale gorszą stabilność w stosunku do pamięci buforowanych.
RDIMMs include a register, or buffer, between the memory controller and the memory chips to help stabilize and manage the electrical load of the memory modules. This allows RDIMMs to support larger memory capacities than is possible with UDIMMs.
24 mar 2024 · No, DIMM (Dual Inline Memory Module) refers to a broad category of memory modules with a dual set of contacts, while UDIMM (Unbuffered Dual Inline Memory Module) is a subtype that operates without registers, making it direct and less complex.
30 sty 2024 · The memory capacity of UDIMMs ranges from 2 to 16 GB which is more than enough for desktops and laptops. DIMMs have a higher memory capacity ranging from 4 to 128 GB and as such these modules serve no purpose in desktops and laptops.
UDIMM is DIMM, which is unbuffered/unregistered. Registered/buffered memory allows many (16+) sticks to be used in a system. Typically seen in servers. In more detail, they add a buffer proxy between the memory modules and the memory controller, reducing the electrical load of the memory controller. However, that buffer increases access latency.