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  1. webwork.math.ucsb.eduWeBWorK

    4 dni temu · Welcome to WeBWorK! Course Administration. Courses. math2a-01-f24-porter; math2a 34a-01-sims24-barei; math34a-01-f24-garfield; math34a-01-m24a-diep-nguyen ... This file is at htdocs/site_info.txt. Use it to display information for the entire WeBWorK site which will be viewed at login time. Dismiss All Messages Page generated at 11/28/2024 at 11 ...

  2. › mathwiki › MainWebWork < Main < Foswiki

    Use the WebWork homework links on the Canvas course page to access WebWork; do not directly bookmark the WebWork course page. Do not use the Canvas app to access your courses on a tablet or phone; use the web browser instead. The app does not do the handoff to Webwork properly.

  3. To request WeBWorK be added to your Canvas course, submit a help request to and include which course you are teaching. Once you WeBWorK course has been created, you will be able to log in to WeBWorK and access the URLs of the course and problem sets.

  4. ucsbplat.comUCSB Plat

    Discover courses, professors, and easy GEs from UCSB. Browse course enrollment trends, grading trends, and professor reviews. Create class schedules with AI Assistant.

  5. Browse to, click Course Administration, and log in. Click Add Course. Set the Course ID and Course Title according to the existing pattern (math-<course#>-<section>-<term>-<instructor_name>). Enter a user ID and password for the course instructor to use to log into the course.

  6. We will plan to cover di erential calculus including analytic geometry, functions and limits, derivatives, techniques and applications of di erentiation, and logarithmic and trigonometric functions. Upon successfully completing this course, students should expect to be able to do the following:

  7. Good teaching begins with good course design. UCSB has created two templates- Minimal and Deluxe - thoroughly tested with faculty, staff, and students. The best choice for online courses is the Deluxe template; the strategies we’ll talk about here are baked into all our templates.

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