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  1. Forgot UC Application ID? Forgot Password? Change Password. IMPORTANT: To protect your personal information, please LOG OUT of the site when you have completed reviewing your personal information. The system will automatically log you out after 30 minutes of inactivity.

  2. For security reasons, please log out and exit your web browser when you are done accessing services that require authentication!

  3. Connect/Google Apps has a web-based client that allows access to all of the features of Connect: e-mail, contacts, and calendar. Point your browser at to sign into Connect Google Web Access (GWA)

  4. You can login into your Google U-Mail ( by going to the Gmail Sign In Page, typing in your Google U-Mail Address, and using the password you have linked to your UC SBn etID. (not

  5. If you cannot locate your UC Application ID number, please contact the UC Application Processing Service: UC Application Center P.O. Box 4438 Greenwood Village, CO 80155

  6. log in to your UCSB Google account U-Mail Account Activation activate your student email account

  7. Office of Student Conduct; Library; Office of Research; Parking Permits & Citations; UCPath; Referring Distressed Students; Registrar Faculty & Staff Page; STAR - Request for Access; Student Confidentiality - FERPA

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