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  1. UCLA - kierunki studiów. UCLA oferuje studentom wiele opcji studiów, które odpowiadają ich indywidualnym potrzebom. Możesz tu zdobyć dwa stopnie naukowe jednocześnie, studiować za granicą lub zdobywać tytuł magistra jako student studiów licencjackich.

    • HPAT

      University College Cork; Trinity College Dublin. Uczelnie te...

  2. Uniwersytet Kalifornijski w Los Angeles, skrótowiec UCLA (od ang. University of California, Los Angeles) – publiczny amerykański uniwersytet oferujący studia licencjackie, magisterskie, doktoranckie i dalsze, ulokowany na północy dzielnicy Westwood w Los Angeles.

  3. Degree Programs, Majors and Minors. UCLA offers a vast array of degree programs and areas of study for both undergraduate and graduate students. With over 130 undergraduate majors and more than 90 graduate programs, your academic pursuits can be tailored to fit your personal and professional goals. You have the flexibility to study abroad ...

  4. UCLA will become your gateway through internships, research, fellowships, jobs and more. Find a new scene or one that feels like home and explore different cultures while creating a professional niche and networking for your career.

  5. Majors. With over 140 majors to choose from, our undergraduates can easily find areas of study that align with their interests, academic skills and personal goals. Whether you land on something new or familiar, you’re sure to be excited by the many ways your future can begin to take shape.

  6. UCLA Ranked No. 1 Public University. UCLA tops all public universities in the 2025 U.S. News & World Report rankings.

  7. Find out about UCLAs academic programs, fields of study, majors and minors, class size, advanced learning, pre-professional tracks, academic support and more.

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