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UCLA - kierunki studiów. UCLA oferuje studentom wiele opcji studiów, które odpowiadają ich indywidualnym potrzebom. Możesz tu zdobyć dwa stopnie naukowe jednocześnie, studiować za granicą lub zdobywać tytuł magistra jako student studiów licencjackich.
Dowiedz się jak wygląda HPAT test. 🎓Sprawdź jak wygląda ten...
Uniwersytet Kalifornijski w Los Angeles, skrótowiec UCLA (od ang. University of California, Los Angeles) – publiczny amerykański uniwersytet oferujący studia licencjackie, magisterskie, doktoranckie i dalsze, ulokowany na północy dzielnicy Westwood w Los Angeles.
Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center has been a beacon of medical excellence since 1955. Renowned for its award-winning care, the hospital spans 4 acres on the UCLA campus in West Los Angeles. The 10-story building prioritizes healing through open spaces, gardens and panoramic views in patient rooms.
Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center (also commonly referred to as UCLA Medical Center, RRMC or Ronald Reagan) is a hospital located on the campus of the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), in Westwood, Los Angeles, California, United States.
Find directions and parking to the UCLA Medical Plaza. Find a UCLA Health location that meets your needs for immediate, primary and specialty care. Search by condition, specialty, or city/zip code.
UCLA Health comprises four hospitals on two campuses: Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, UCLA Mattel Children's Hospital and the UCLA Resnick Neuropsychiatric Hospital on the university’s main campus in the Westwood area of Los Angeles; and UCLA Santa Monica Medical Center.
UCLA Health is the public healthcare system affiliated with the University of California, Los Angeles, located in Los Angeles, California. It comprises a number of hospitals, UCLA School of Medicine, and an extensive primary care network in the Los Angeles region.