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UCLA oferuje studentom wiele opcji studiów, które odpowiadają ich indywidualnym potrzebom. Możesz tu zdobyć dwa stopnie naukowe jednocześnie, studiować za granicą lub zdobywać tytuł magistra jako student studiów licencjackich. Najpopularniejsze kierunki na Uniwersytecie Kalifornijskim w Los Angeles to: nauki społeczne
Dowiedz się jak wygląda HPAT test. 🎓Sprawdź jak wygląda ten...
Uniwersytet Kalifornijski w Los Angeles, skrótowiec UCLA (od ang. University of California, Los Angeles) – publiczny amerykański uniwersytet oferujący studia licencjackie, magisterskie, doktoranckie i dalsze, ulokowany na północy dzielnicy Westwood w Los Angeles.
UCLA offers a vast array of degree programs and areas of study for both undergraduate and graduate students. With over 130 undergraduate majors and more than 90 graduate programs, your academic pursuits can be tailored to fit your personal and professional goals.
As a UCLA student, you are part of a community built around breathtaking scenery, convenient housing, renowned dining, state-of-the-art resources, diverse social life and more. It’s all on campus waiting to be explored.
UCLA has more graduate students than any other UC campus. Support includes seven graduate-student housing complexes, three award-winning childcare centers, the Kinross Recreation Center, a Graduate Writing Center and Graduate Student Resource Center, graduate career services, professional development workshops, counseling services, and a ...
The UC Berkeley campus combines classic architecture and landscape with the latest research, living, and dining facilities, all overlooking the San Francisco Bay. Fun fact: The periodic table of elements includes four elements — lawrencium, californium, berkelium, and seaborgium — discovered by Berkeley researchers.
Celebrating and connecting with Native American communities. Join UCLA — on and off campus — throughout the month for cultural, artistic and academic events. Source: UCLA Newsroom. All News & Features. It is an honor to be entrusted with leading UCLA as we prepare for the arrival of Chancellor-designate Julio Frenk.