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  1. Relive the outrageous and hilarious horror of the 90s with the Troll 2 movie trailer! Prepare yourself for a wild ride filled with goblins, corn, and unforge...

  2. a 1990 horror film directed by Claudio Fragasso, starring Michael Stephensont. The plot concerns a family pursued by vegetarian goblins who seek to transform...

  3. The squad starts OCTHORRORFEST with the newest member of the team, Colton's pick TROLL 2 (1990). Listen to find out if we award this film a NAY, OKAY, YAY o...

  4. Trollowanie (ang. trolling) – antyspołeczne zachowanie charakterystyczne dla internetowych forów dyskusyjnych i mediów społecznościowych, polegające na zamieszczaniu kontrowersyjnych, napastliwych, często nieprawdziwych treści w celu zwrócenia na siebie uwagi albo sprowokowania, ośmieszenia lub obrażenia innych użytkowników [1] [2].

  5. Тролчета 2: Турнето (2020) Trolls World Tour. IMDb. 6.128 хил. гласа. Жанр. Комедия, Анимация, Приключенски. В тази част, оптимистичната Попи и вечно мрънкащият Бранч ще се включа в още по-голямо приключение, което ще ги отведе по далечни и непознати пътеки.

  6. › wiki › Troll_2Troll 2 - Wikipedia

    Troll 2 (or Goblins) is a 1990 independent dark fantasy horror film written and directed by Claudio Fragasso [2] under the pseudonym Drake Floyd. It stars Michael Stephenson, George Hardy, Connie McFarland, and Jason Wright.The plot follows Joshua Waits as he tries to save his family after the spirit of his deceased grandfather warns him that the town of Nilbog, where the family are spending ...

  7. Temat trollowania w internecie wraca jak bumerang przy większości tematów uznawanych za kontrowersyjne, a często nawet w tych mniej kontrowersyjnych, ponieważ – jak by to powiedzieli trolle – czemu nie? Czym on jednak tak naprawdę jest? Czy to synonim mowy nienawiści?

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