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Triodent V3 sectional matrix system allows you to achieve consistently accurate contacts and predictable results for your Class II restorations. Among the simplest and most accurate matrix solutions on the market, Triodent V3 system's easy-to-use design accommodates a wide range of application use.
The award-winning V3 Sectional Matrix System is designed for posterior composite restorations and has wide applications for Sectional Matrix System use. The V3 system is among the simplest and most accurate matrix solutions on the market.
Those key components include the V3 Ring, SuperCurve Matrices, V3 Tab-Matrices and Wave-Wedges – the smarter tools to create better Class II’s. The complete V3 package is all you need to perform high-quality posterior composite restorations that closely replicate the anatomy of the tooth.
1 paź 2024 · The Tab-Matrix is anatomically accurate and easy to handle. Placement and removal is quick and easy using the Triodent ® Pin-Tweezers. Tab for easy placement; Great anatomical form; Superthin (30μm) but strong; Vertical contour easy on gingival margin
Legközelebb a TRIODENT FOGÁSZATI CENTRUMHOZ, a parkoló bal oldalán levő házhoz közel parkoljunk. A rendelőt a kaputelefon segítségével értesíthetjük megérkezésünkről. ... +36 52 879070. 4026 Debrecen, Honvéd utca 1/a. Facebook; Google plus; YouTube; Pinterest; ÁLTALÁNOS ANYAGOK ...
s premier V3 Sectional Matrix System. The key to the system is the long-lasting nickel-titanium V3 Ring, which exerts optimal force to produce ideal tooth sep. ration for predictably tight contacts. The ring comes i. e with a 60-day, money-back guarantee. Our experience has shown that more than 95% of pro. uct return.
Triodent® Matrix System . Triodent® V3 Ring. Sectional Matrix Ring . Triodent® SuperCurve Matrix. Supersnug Non-Stick Matrix . Triodent® V3 Tab-Matrix™ ...