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Links: Other Text version & 15C versie 2 (Tim) & Calculation 7C/9C & Bouwopdracht klaar beep Travian Capital Crop/Oasis/Bakery Order written by Bryan H - modified by MaTzE aka BrothersInArms (SkypeID: eymatze) - modified by Ricardo Field Count
- Bouwopdracht Klaar BEEP
Time Lord: Construction ready: Beep! Created by R!cardo...
- Bouwopdracht Klaar BEEP
at lv16 fields, the 9c is making 47k; the 15c is making 59k. The difference is pretty huge. 12k an hour is nothing to laugh at. Definitely take the 15c every time, unless you don't use gold. Are you using gold? If yes then I wouldnt take any of the above, look for a 125-150% 15c.
A 9-cropper village, also known as a 9c, is a village with 9 wheat fields. A 9-cropper or 9c is a less extreme wheat producer compared to a 15-cropper, but still highly valued for supporting the wheat demand of a large army. These villages produce crop more efficiently than normal villages...
13 gru 2023 · For 9c: Upgrade all resource fields to level 1, including croplands. This will give additional 9 “population” targets and some non-population. For 15c: Upgrade woodcutter, clay pit, iron mine to level 1 + 5x croplands lvl 6 (rest level 1). With all inside buildings above it will give you 29 “population” targets in total.
How to find croppers (15c & 9c) in Travian? 1. Select Travian domain. 2. Select Game World and coords. 3. Press "Search" Join! Find croppers, elephants or oases on Travian servers.
What do y’all think? Any tips on which is better? Or even a third better strategy? 9c close then the 15c far. Distance isnt relevant, the only thing you want is a 125-150% 15c. If you played from day 1 you should have no troubles finding one reasonably close.
Anyone building a 15c cap is going to be NPCing excess crop into other resources in order to build more crop fields, which requires gold. The capital essentially builds itself through high efficiency oases and NPCing.