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TLauncher is being translated into 64 languages using Weblate. Join the translation or start translating your own project.
Bezpłatna usługa Google, umożliwiająca szybkie tłumaczenie słów, zwrotów i stron internetowych w języku angielskim i ponad 100 innych językach.
31 mar 2022 · Mods translators allows you to translate many mods of Minecraft, it also fix bugs of display of certain words or sentences of certain mods. Mods are 100% translated by humans, or at least reread by humans. Information : Minecraft Mods is compatible with ALL versions of Minecraft.
If you want to find a first-rate Minecraft launcher, we recommend downloading TLauncher – the best among its competitors! Latest version Minecraft 1.21.3 and Minecraft Bedrock 1.21
This project aims to be a simple program that can help you when you need to translate Minecraft language files, doing it in a guided way instead of editing directly the .lang/.json files.
TranslateX is a powerful Minecraft plugin that revolutionizes in-game communication by offering automatic translations for chat messages. Whether you're playing with friends from different parts of the world or simply looking to enhance your Minecraft experience, TranslateX has got you covered.
Translater takes all the text in minecraft and runs it through Google Translate 5 times (configurable). This leaves the text in a state that is still partially understandable but hilarious to play with.