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  1. What comprises The Zodiac. Constitution is ex- pressed and revealed in the first opening of Article 1, as written by C. M. Bey. His literary works have come manifest by way of a knowledge of the Zo- diacsor "Workings of Nature", the Moabite / Moorish Code for Civilization, and the Sciences mentioned. And

  2. The MOORISH Zodiac Constitution is the only universal unchanged moral law for the human family that constitutes unity; human equality, respect, peace and economic and social progress. Therefore, every

  3. Zodiac Constitution by CM Bey - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free. AA222141 Library of Congress. What our Moorish forefathers were, we are today without a doubt or contradiction.

  4. When the Union lawmakers denounce their Charta Code, and resort to the Moorish Zodiac Constitution, the Moors are compelled to pay taxes because every one of the Nation wilt be equally represented by it.

  5. C.M. Beys Clock of Destiny 1 2 and Zodiac Constitution - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. CM Bey Books

  6. The document outlines the Moorish Zodiac Constitution, which is based on the 12 signs of the Zodiac and mathematics from 0 to 9. It asserts that Moors, referred to as Negroes, ruled the world for over 1000 years based on this constitution.

  7. Ttle Moorish Zodiac Constitution is referred to in Christian mythology as, 'The Holy Koran" or, *Al Korar*, rreaning the Earth, the Moon, the Sun and the seven planets or Chronology Zodiac Rerord of the Moorish Nation of the North Gate, North America.