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TradeMark Africa has facilitated over 60 Digital portals (Single Window Information for Trade Systems) in trade agencies across Eastern Africa region. These have reduced the time to process trade documents from an average of 86 hours in 2012 to 10 hours in 2016 and cost per transaction from $58 to $8 in the same period.
- Our Impact
More than 25,000 women across East Africa have benefited...
- Who We Are
TradeMark Africa (TMA), formerly TradeMark East Africa, is...
- What we do
Trademark East Africa Plays Cupid Between Rwandan Firms And...
- Annual Reports
2nd Floor, Fidelity Insurance Centre Waiyaki Way, Westlands...
- Research Hub
TradeMark Africa’s (TMA’s) ... generate and contribute to...
- Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning
Evaluated Projects Elimination of Non-Tariff Barriers to...
- Media
The East Africa Customs and Freight Forwarding Practising...
- Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
The East Africa Customs and Freight Forwarding Practising...
- Our Impact
TradeMark Africa (TMA), formerly TradeMark East Africa, is an Aid-for-Trade organisation that was established in 2010, with the aim of growing prosperity through increased trade.
TradeMark (Trade and Mark ets) East Africa is a multi-purpose donor funded, not -for-profit Aid for Trade organisation, established to support the growth of trade – both regional and international – In East Africa.
Growing Prosperity Through Trade | TradeMark Africa (TMA), formerly TradeMark East Africa, is a leading African Aid-for-Trade organisation that was established in 2010, with the aim to...
TRADEMARK AFRICA seeks to support smallholder farmers in East Africa to ensure their products are compliant with market standards, thereby increasing their marketability in the region. Project Value = USD $697, 653. Implementation Period: 2012 - 2015. Results: 758 farmers certified EAGAP compliant
The Trademark East Africa programme (Trademark, or TMEA) is a high-profile, multi-donor project that seeks to lift existing barriers to trade to bring about positive and sustainable change via a combination of regional and national initiatives and an investment of over $500 million.
Trade and Markets East Africa (TradeMark Africa - TMA) is an East African not-for profit Company Limited by Guarantee established in 2010 to support the growth of trade - both regional and international - in East Africa.