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Here are some apps to help you navigate Hong Kong’s many worlds, whether you want to craft your own tour, check out practical information such as Wi-Fi, public transportation and weather, or just see what’s around and above you on the city’s densely packed streets.
The official YouTube channel for Discover Hong Kong. Whether you're planning travel to Hong Kong, reminiscing about a great trip, or just browsing, this channel will let you feel the pulse of...
Hong Kong is a city full of adventures, excitement, new perspectives and endless possibilities. Subscribe Now and Check out our videos for information on activities to do, festivals and...
17 sie 2023 · Whether you're looking for the quickest ways to get around while you're traveling Hong Kong, need a little bit of language help, or want to know where you'll be chowing on the best Hong Kong food, check out this list of the top 10 apps to have as a traveler in Hong Kong.
6 wrz 2019 · The My Hong Kong Guide app is the official app from the Hong Kong Tourism Board and has a wealth of information for tourists to Hong Kong. More than 1,800 activities and attractions are featured on this Hong Kong travel app, including addresses and links to websites, plus information on nearby places.
12 lut 2024 · With these voice translation apps for China, you don't have to speak Mandarin Chinese to travel around China or do business in China.
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