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This total body water (TBW) calculator estimates the volume of water in the body by two gender specific formulas for adults and one for children.
30 lip 2024 · This total body water calculator uses your age, height, weight, and sex to estimate the volume of water in your body. It is based on a formula developed by Dr. P.E. Watson and his team and described in 1980 in the article Total body water volumes for adult males and females estimated from simple anthropometric measurements .
The percentages of body water contained in various fluid compartments add up to total body water (TBW). This water makes up a significant fraction of the human body, both by weight and by volume. Ensuring the right amount of body water is part of fluid balance, an aspect of homeostasis.
Total body water can be estimated using the following classic formulae: For males. Total Body Water (TBW) = 2.447 - 0.09516 X age + 0.1074 X height + 0.3362 X weight. Water in Litres; Age in years; Height in cm; Weight in kg; For females. TBW = -2.097 + 0.1069 X height + 0.2466 X weight. Water in Litres; Height in cm; Weight in kg
How Much of Your Total Body Weight is Water? On average, the normal range of total body water volume is approximately 58 ± 8% for males and 48 ± 6% for females. However, this percentage may vary depending on individual factors such as age, and body composition.
An average female adult human body contains 50% of water and a male adult body contains 60% of water. But this amount varies based on various factors like height, weight, age, disease, etc. There are several formulas to calculate the total body water content.
Total body water (TBW) represents the sum of all fluid compartments in our body. Knowing your TBW can help you assess your hydration status and health. This article explains what TBW is, how to calculate it, and how to interpret the results.