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  1. 8 lut 2022 · How to download and install TorahAnytime for PC and Mac. This method of using TorahAnytime on PC works for Windows 7/8 / 8.1 / 10 / 11 and all Mac OS.

  2. › appSefaria App

    Explore Sefaria's entire free library of Jewish texts in Hebrew and English translation — Torah, Talmud, Mishnah, Kabbalah, Siddur and more. Discover 3,000 years of texts with all of their links, interconnections, and commentaries. Download the entire library to learn offline, anywhere, anytime.

  3. 30 wrz 2024 · Instant access to top-quality video and audio Torah classes by the world's greatest Torah scholars. This well-designed, powerful app was created to provide you with the most convenient,...

  4. The largest free library of Jewish texts available to read online in Hebrew and English including Torah, Tanakh, Talmud, Mishnah, Midrash, commentaries and more.

  5. thetorahapp.orgTorahApp

    All-in-one Torah app combining seforim with shiurim. Includes smart siddur, binge listening, translations, in-line commentaries, tabs, tikkun, more.

  6. All Torah is a collection of free Torah apps and websites created under the auspices of the Orthodox Union. Users enjoy world-class shiurim, content and resources in a curated, user-friendly platform. Download All Daf and All Parsha, All Mishnah.

  7. Największa bezpłatna biblioteka tekstów żydowskich dostępna do czytania online w języku hebrajskim, polskim i angielskim, w tym Tora, Tanach, Talmud, Miszna, Midrasz, komentarze i wiele innych.

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