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Say /setup to set-up your server with Bloxlink. Say /bind to start the process of linking your Roblox groups. Features. Link multiple Roblox groups to your server (/setup, /bind) Roblox Rolesets to Discord Roles (/setup, /bind) Verification by game or code (/verify) Restrict server to new Roblox users (custom age) Auto-verification
Bloxify is a ROBLOX verification bot for Discord. Commands: b!verify • Verifies your ROBLOX account with the bot. b!unlink • Unlinks your verified ROBLOX account with the bot. b!getrole • Gives a role to you that you have in the ROBLOX group.
Rolink is a forthcoming Roblox verification bot that manages your members and roles that are allocated to your group and more! Rolink contains features and other landmarks that provide a higher satisfactory experience than other Discord bots.
Say !bind to start the process of linking your Roblox groups. Features. Link multiple Roblox groups to your server (!setup, !bind) Roblox Rolesets to Discord Roles (!setup, !bind) White-label: change the username and profile picture of Bloxlink responses (!whitelabel) Verification by game or code (!verify) Restrict server to new Roblox users ...
RoWifi is a Roblox Discord Verification bot made using Rust offering highly customizable binds using groups, ranks, names & roles. We offer the option to select nicknames based on the various binds available, even across multiple groups.
We are one of the top bots in Roblox. More groups allowed to be added to the Group Lock. If you enable group shouts from the web dashboard, you will be able to receive updates automatically when your group shout is updated. Relay of group audit logs to a Discord channel.
This Discord bot is used for Roblox group role verification. It allows users to connect their Roblox accounts to their Discord accounts and automatically assigns roles based on their group memberships in specific Roblox groups.