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Use the post office for overseas shipment. We offer best-suited overseas shipment services for your use, from packages to documents. * There are countries and regions from which we are unable to accept international mails due to the novel coronavirus pandemic. Mailing methods that are currently unavailable are displayed in gray.
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e will answer the frequently asked questions/troubles.。
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It is handled with top priority among international mail...
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International Mail Schedule of Charges. Download...
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Top > International Mail > Online shopping website links:...
- Partial Revision of International Postage Rates
Mail for international business reply service (IRBS) (Only...
- Shopping From Overseas Post
Top > International Mail > Shopping from overseas Post:...
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News on International Mail and EMS are shown here. For...
UGX is a reliable international courier service that...
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Following table shows Information on approximate days required for International Parcel Post (Airmail/SAL) delivery. Notice for Use “Standard days” shows the required average period from when you submit parcels (Japan time) until when they are delivered (local time).
Calculate the rates and delivery days of international mail. You can quickly check the rates and days of delivery by simply entering the destination, item to be sent, and the weight of the item. Please note that days for some countries and regions cannot be shown according to the respective situations.
東京国際郵便局 (とうきょうこくさいゆうびんきょく、英称:TOKYO INTERNATIONAL POST OFFICE)は、 東京都 江東区 新砂 にある 郵便局 である。 住所:〒138-8799 東京都 江東区 新砂 3-5-14. 国際郵便 の交換業務を専門に取り扱う「国際郵便交換局」(無集配 普通郵便局)として 千代田区 大手町 に開局。 旧局舎当時は一般の 郵便局 と同様に窓口を常設していたが、郵便および 郵便貯金 のみ取扱を行っており、 簡易保険 については取扱を行わない郵便局であった。 2005年 (平成17年)、隣接する 日本郵政公社 東京支社が 港区 麻布台 の 飯倉分館 へ移転した後を追うように、江東区新砂の 新東京郵便局 の近隣に新局舎を建設、移転した。
こちらは日本郵便東京国際郵便局のページです。 住所 東京都江東区新砂3-5-14。 電話番号 0570-064-593。
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6 maj 2022 · Small packages: International ePacket, which is significantly cheaper than EMS, is available for packages under 2kg. Letters and postcards: All you need is a stamp, which you can get at a convenience store or post office. Pop the letter directly into a postbox, making sure you choose the international mail slot, and you’re golden.