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  1. 【Job Announcement】Specially Appointed Associate Professor or Specially Appointed Senior Assistant Professor [Field: Mathematics/ N. of position: 1] (Applications must arrive by September 20 (Fri.), 2024 JST)

  2. 15 lis 2016 · IEHE Report87 第38回東北大学高等教育フォーラム 新時代の大学教育を考える[20]報告書「国立大学におけるアドミッションセンターの現在と将来 ―よりよい大学入試の実現を目指して―」刊行のお知らせ ... J-CLIL TOHOKU (J-CLIL東北支部) 第6回J-CLIL東北支部大会 The ...

  3. Tohoku University has different application procedures depending on the language of instruction. Undergraduate courses taught in Japanese start in April. Applicants have to take the Privately Financed International Students Entrance Examination for admission, and it will be conducted in Japanese.

  4. Applications Favorites Message For Educators Notice English Japanese. Notice. Bug Fixes. 11-13-2024. Search schools; Details Open National. Tohoku University Department/Course. FGL Undergraduate Course. Graduate school. Graduate School of Engineering. Non-degree program. Global Learning Center. Undergraduate School of Engineering.

  5. Tohoku University entrance, tuition, and examination fees. Tohoku University offers reduction or exemption of tuition fees for students in financial difficulty. Tohoku University students come from across Japan and throughout the world, to study in the heart of Tohoku.

  6. Please have the following documents at hand to complete the COE Web Application. Student. JYPE, DEEP, and COLABS students: enter your desired school/graduate school (e.g. School of Engineering, Faculty of Science, Graduate School of Information Sciences) IPLA: Academic Affairs Council. +81-22-795-3745. Masahiro YAMAGUCHI. Global Learning Center.

  7. In cooperation with various admission-related committees throughout the entire university, not only implement mid and long-term planning, and improvement review of our university’s admission exams, but also play a central role in admission operations including the National Center Test for University Admission and general admission exams, the ...

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