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  1. 11 mar 2011 · What was the death toll of the earthquake and tsunami that struck Japan in 2011? The official total for the number of those confirmed dead or listed as missing from the 2011 disaster was about 18,500. Other estimates gave a final toll of at least 20,000. The great majority of those killed were drowning victims of the tsunami waves.

  2. 11 lis 2011 · Latitude-based graphs of total deaths for selected principalities and prefectures, runup or maximum water height, and maximum inundation distance from the 2011 Tohoku tsunami (Source: IOC 2011 – deaths; Mori et al. Citation 2011 – runup or water height and inundation distance).

  3. This page presents a scientific perspective of the 2011 Tōhoku-oki Earthquake and Tsunami, including details of what happened in Japan and subsequently in California. The west coast of the U.S. will experience damaging tsunamis in the future and the Tōhoku-oki natural disaster provided valuable lessons that are being used to help us be more ...

  4. Over 15,000 people total died due to this tragedy, and all of them except for one person were from Japan. Because of the high death toll, many researchers studied the earthquake and tsunami waves in order to determine ways to create stronger building structures and to warn citizens further ahead of time.

  5. On 11 March 2011, at 14:46 JST (05:46 UTC), a Mw 9.0–9.1 undersea megathrust earthquake occurred in the Pacific Ocean, 72 km (45 mi) east of the Oshika Peninsula of the Tōhoku region. It lasted approximately six minutes and caused a tsunami.

  6. Visit our Tōhoku remembrance story map, California Remembers the 2011 Japan Earthquake & Tsunami , to see how an earthquake in Japan helped shape California's plan for the next tsunami.

  7. 25 lut 2022 · Death toll of the 2011 earthquake and tsunami. The number of confirmed deaths is 19,747 as of December, 2021, according to the reconstruction agency. More than 2,500 people are still reported...