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  1. Easily track your TNT shipments online. Get real-time and detailed progress of all of your shipments.

  2. You can find the shipment number in your confirmation email or on the collection manifest (under the barcode). Did you know you can search for multiple shipments at once? Simply use a comma to separate the shipment numbers.

  3. We answer your shipping questions! Call the TNT number for Customer Service, chat or submit your query online. TNT support is available 24/7.

  4. If you have any comments or feedback on anything about TNT, please feel free to fill out the form below. We are always ready to listen to you. Alternatively, you may contact us by telephoning your local TNT Customer Services on 1800 10 46 33339 .

  5. mytnt.tnt.commyTNT

    myTNT makes shipping more efficient, saving you time and money. You can book, manage and track all your shipments directly. Register now or login!

  6. If you have any comments or feedback on anything about TNT, please feel free to fill out the form below. We are always ready to listen to you. Alternatively, you may contact us by telephoning our TNT Customer Services Centre on 800 820 9868 or 400 820 9868 (cell phone).

  7. While we encourage you to open a FedEx account and enjoy up to 50% off shipping with FedEx, if you have any specific needs for TNT services, please provide your contact information, so we may contact you to learn more about your requirements.

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