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OligoEvaluator™ is easy to use: select DNA or RNA, paste your sequence, and click calculate for the OligoEvaluator™ tool to return values. All reported properties are available for export to a convenient Excel template.
- Custom Oligos & qPCR Probes Online Tools
We are pleased to offer OligoEvaluator, our online...
- PCR Assay Optimization and Validation
Optimizing Primer Concentrations and Annealing Temperature...
- Oligonucleotide Melting Temperature
How do you calculate the T m of DNA?. The melting...
- Primer Concentration Optimization Protocol
Add 26.4 μL of dH2O to the NTC mix in step 3 (to replace...
- Custom & Predesigned Rna Oligos, siRNA Duplexes and Controls
Custom & Predesigned RNA Oligos and siRNA Duplexes MISSION ®...
- Custom & Predesigned DNA Oligos and qPCR Probes
We offer a family of predesigned primers and probe assays...
- Quantitative PCR Basics
Such studies may be genotyping/SNP determination,...
- Quantitative RT-PCR
KiCqStart ® – Instrument Optimized. Our KiCqStart ®...
- Custom Oligos & qPCR Probes Online Tools
Unlike most other tools or servers, PROTEUS2 bundles signal peptide identification, transmembrane helix prediction, transmembrane β-strand prediction, secondary structure prediction (for soluble proteins) and homology modeling (i.e. 3D structure generation) into a single prediction pipeline.
I-TASSER (Iterative Threading ASSEmbly Refinement) is a hierarchical approach to protein structure prediction and structure-based function annotation. It first identifies structural templates from the PDB by multiple threading approach LOMETS, with full-length atomic models constructed by iterative template-based fragment assembly simulations.
14 paź 2024 · AF2 structure prediction can be improved by providing templates, which are known structures of proteins that have sequence similarity to the query. To detect templates, ColabFold first...
23 cze 2021 · In this paper, we present our latest open-source protein tertiary structure prediction system—MULTICOM2, an integration of template-based modeling (TBM) and template-free modeling (FM)...
Tm Predictor P.C. Lyu Lab., Institute of Bioinformatics and Structural Biology, National Tsing-Hua University, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan . Please Input the Protein Sequence :(plain text) Melting Temperature Prediction. Tm Index . Predited Tm >1 >65℃ <0 <55℃ 0~1. 55℃~65℃ Melting Temperature Index (TI) Mail to ...
8 paź 2004 · We have developed a new scoring function, the template modeling score (TM-score), to assess the quality of protein structure templates and predicted full-length models by extending the approaches used in Global Distance Test (GDT) 1 and MaxSub. 2 First, a protein size-dependent scale is exploited to eliminate the inherent protein size ...