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To download a printer-friendly PDF version of the Tinplate reference chart click here. HARDNESS RANGES (Based on ASTM A623)
Steels for packaging are thin gauge flat carbon steels, tin or chromium coated on both sides. This particular combination gives the tinplate an interesting set of properties: strength and stiffness, formability, weld-ing ability, lacquer ability and printability, good cosmetic appearance and corrosion resistance.
Read more about electrolytically coated tinplate. Deviations in coating weights are possible in the range of 1.00 to 11.20 g/m² (0.100 bis 1.000 lb/bb).
The steel can be coated with differing thicknesses of tin, and even different thicknesses on the two faces (differential coatings) may be produced to cater for varying conditions at the internal and external surfaces of a container.
Our extra-wide tinplate (up to 1200mm) allows you to boost production output. We offer a wide choice of tinplate – tailoring our products to meet your required strength, surface finish and forming requirements. Our tinplate is produced using Tata Steel’s blackplate.
Tin coatings of different thicknesses are produced to suit specific requirements. The thickness and type of the steel substrate should be selected on grounds of processing and/or structural considerations.
Two commonly used chemical treatments for electrolytic tinplate that have been adopted by the industry are: Has a moderate resistance to tin oxide formation with limited storage stability and is used where a highly passivated tin surface is not required or is detrimental to the end use.