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This is a timeline of French history, comprising important legal changes and political events in France and its predecessor states. To read about the background to these events, see History of France. See also the list of Frankish kings, French monarchs, and presidents of France.
This is a chronological list of political systems in France, from Clovis (481 CE) to modern times. A series of different monarchies spanned 1300 years from the Early Middle Ages to the French Revolution in 1789.
13 sty 2023 · 1789 - French Revolution ends rule of monarchy going back to 9th Century; followed by establishment of the First Republic. 1799 - Napoleon Bonaparte leads coup to overthrow government;...
18 paź 2024 · With the French Revolution began the institutionalization of secularized individualism in both social life and politics; individualism and rationality found expression in parliamentary government and written constitutionalism.
9 lis 2009 · The French Revolution began in 1789. Soon, the Bastille was stormed and the monarchy eliminated. After the Reign of Terror, France established a new government.
The legal history of France is commonly divided into three periods: that of the old French law (Ancien Droit), that of the Revolutionary or intermediary law (Droit révolutionnaire ou intermédiaire), and that of the Napoleonic law or Droit nouveau ('New law').
Timeline of major events during the French Revolution, including the storming of the Bastille by Parisians in 1789, the establishment of a French republic in 1792, the subsequent period known as the Reign of Terror, and the rise of Napoleon Bonaparte to become leader of France in 1799.