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  1. For reviews that's pretty long term, considering most tech youtubers and reviewers will review them after using it for a day or a week max and never revisit it later or give it a longer trial. These types of videos are pretty useful if you're the type of person to wait 6 months or longer to upgrade when there are sales and whatnot.

  2. New versions of iOS usually aren’t great for battery life and they get more efficient with each point release. I can usually make it through two days with my 14 pro max. Do you have apps doing a lot in the background with location?

  3. Last time I did it, it was the X and se you could trade in. This time it’s the xs and xr and anything before that doesn’t get it. This year, I bought an Xr on eBay carrier locked for $175 (I could have gotten cheaper if I would have tried harder). I’m turning that in and selling my 12 Pro.

  4. My iPhone 14 pro max is ordered after 10+ years with Android/Samsung. Any tips for a first time user?

  5. I bought the iPhone 14 pro earlier this month from the 11- here’s my thoughts: the OLED display is so much better than the LCD display on the 11, although the 11’s display still holds up great. The 14 pro is so much more crisp and sharp, and the 120Hz display is a game changer.

  6. The camera is the only thing holding me back from keeping the 14 Pro Max and being satisfied. The Pixel 6 Pro is miles ahead in picture quality, detail, and HDR. I find the 14 Pro consistently blows out the sky in a lot of shots.

  7. What are your experiences with the 14 Pro and Pro Max? Will the Pro have enough juice or should I go for the Max and get used to the big size and weight? - Noah