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29 lip 2023 · Jeśli analiza ANOVA daje wartość p poniżej naszego poziomu istotności, możemy zastosować testy post hoc, aby dowiedzieć się, które średnie grupowe różnią się od siebie. Testy post-hoc pozwalają nam kontrolować poziom błędów na rodzinę podczas wykonywania kilku porównań parami.
14 kwi 2019 · In order to find out exactly which groups are different from each other, we must conduct a post hoc test (also known as a multiple comparison test), which will allow us to explore the difference between multiple group means while also controlling for the family-wise error rate.
Na te pytania odpowiedzieć można wykorzystując testy post hoc. Na Rys. 4 przedstawiono statystyczną analizę porównań wielokrotnych z użyciem testu Tukeya, natomiast na Rys. 5 graficzną prezentacje estymatorów punktowych różnic wraz z ich przedziałami ufności.
14 sty 2019 · Use post hoc tests with ANOVA to explore differences between means while controlling the family error rate. Learn about these tests and their benefits.
Post hoc tests in ANOVA test if the difference between each possible pair of means is statistically significant. This tutorial walks you through running and understanding post hoc tests using depression.sav , partly shown below.
One-Way ANOVA Post Hoc Tests. Once you have determined that differences exist among the means, post hoc range tests and pairwise multiple comparisons can determine which means differ. Range tests identify homogeneous subsets of means that are not different from each other.
5 Post Hoc and Multiple Comparison Methods. 5.1 The commonly used TUKEY test; 5.2 Using the asbio package for Post Hoc pairwise comparisons; 5.3 Additional multiple comparison functions; 5.4 REGWQ is a recommended test; 5.5 The Games-Howell Modification of the Tukey Test. 5.5.1 The oneway function from userfriendlyscience has capabilities for ...