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This book is designed to ease your transition in to reading the Tenor C Clef. Treat the process as if you are learning a new language; start slowly and build a “bank” of notes that you are comfortable reading and gradually extend your notation range.
Share, download and print free sheet music for Tenor with the world's largest community of sheet music creators, composers, performers, music teachers, students, beginners, artists, and other musicians with over 1,500,000 digital sheet music to play, practice, learn and enjoy.
Simply click on the worksheet images below to open the free, downloadable, printable, pdf files. Beginner treble clef (G clef) and bass clef (F clef) note reading worksheets and exercises. Beginner grand staff note reading worksheets and exercises, especially for piano.
One of my first published books (and as of now, the oldest one still available) is Introductory Studies in Tenor and Alto Clef, “Before Blazhevich” available through Ensemble Publications (commonly sold through Hickeys Music). This book is also available through my website, This new pdf book is meant to compliment that physical book.
You will also be able to practice your understanding of the four different clefs, treble, bass, alto and tenor! You will find a sheet for every single scale here! This includes, sharp majors, flat majors, natural minors, melodic minors and harmonic minors! Ever wondered how to read music or how to draw your notes? Then look no further!
The tenor clef is just below the alto clef and its 4th line is middle C. Apart from simply naming the notes of the tenor clef, an examination may require you to write out a simple melody from treble or bass clef into tenor clef or vice versa.
The worksheet aims to practice reading and writing in the tenor clef through identifying notes, keys, and transposing between clefs. This document contains a grade 5 tenor clef worksheet with 4 exercises.