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Fiber photometry is an easy way to detect neural activity using fluorescent proteins. Researchers can use genetic animal models and fluorescent proteins, such as calcium (GCaMP) and dopamine (dLight), to study specific brain circuits.
Customize your RZ10X for fiber photometry and optogenetics. TDT provides flexibility to easily configure your research rig. The LUX system includes integrated and interchangeable LEDs, Photosensors and Power Meters. Select from a wide range of LEDs tailored for fiber photometry and optogenetics.
Maximize your fiber photometry and optogenetic capabilities with a large variety of TDT LED colors. TDT LUX LEDs have a wide, linear dynamic range to drive light power at the microwatt level (fiber photometry) or the milliwatt level (optogenetic control). Use caution when operating LUX LEDs.
7 lut 2023 · Thorlabs offers a full line of equipment for in vivo stimulation, including implantable fiber optic cannulae, fiber optic patch cables, rotary joints, and LED and laser light sources. We are also well equipped to provide custom fiber photometry packages, including fiber-coupled light sources and custom-made cannulae.
Available to ship on November 14, 2024 Details. storage temp. This assay determines the total dietary fiber content of food using a combination of enzymatic and gravimetric methods.
Dietary Fiber, Total, Assay Control Kit sufficient for ≥10 assays; EC Number: 232-679-6; find Supelco-TDFC10 MSDS, related peer-reviewed papers, technical documents, similar products & more at Sigma-Aldrich
Fiber photometry is an imaging method that enables scientists to image population-level neural activity in the brain of freely-behaving animals. This guide explores questions related to fiber photometry, including what is fiber photometry? What equipment is necessary for fiber photometry? Chapter 1: What is Fiber Photometry?