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  1. The annual calendar at TCU includes several semesters and is subject to change and correction as warranted.

  2. academic calendar - texas christian university official calendar tentative calendar tentative calendar. tentative calendar tentative calendar 202 2-202 3. 202 3-202 4 202 4-202 5 202 5-202 6 202 6-202 7 fall semester 202 2: 2023. 202. 4. 202. 5. 202. 6. ... spring semester 202. 3. 202. 4. 202. 5. 202. 6. 202. 7.

  3. The fall semester dates at TCU include several sessions and are subject to change and correction as warranted.

  4. See Final Exam Calendar on The spring semester dates at TCU include several sessions and are subject to change and correction as warranted.

  5. Tentative dates are subject to change - the Academic Calendar for the upcoming year is approved at the February University Council Meeting Author Fisher, Nichole

  6. TCU Calendar events updated every day. Powered by the Localist Community Event Platform

  7. Utilize each semester specific calendar for the most accurate information. Above dates subject to change. Official semester dates, holidays, final exams and academic calendars are maintained by the Registrar’s Office. Join us on campus for a weekend of events and school spirit.

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