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Tarleton State University Salaries. Highest salary at Tarleton State University in year 2023 was $454,253. Number of employees at Tarleton State University in year 2023 was 2,510. Average annual salary was $33,651 and median salary was $20,793.
Salary information and list of employees for Tarleton State University. Salary database for year 2022.
In 2023 Tarleton State University (TSU) reported 137 employees making more than $100,000 per year; the average salary was $57,079. The highest reported pay was $420,000 for James Hurley, President.
The average employee salary for Tarleton State University (TSU) in 2023 was $57,079. This is 20.4 percent lower than the national average for government employees and 23.7 percent lower than other universities and colleges. There are 3,641 employee records for Tarleton State University (TSU).
Tarleton State University ... Basketball; 874,734 689,690; All other men's sports except football and basketball 806,250 ... Annual school average salary of non-volunteer assistant coaches, assistant coaches included in average, and full-time equivalent positions 7a. Annual school average salary of non-volunteer head coaches, head coaches ...
Check how much Head Coach Men's Basketball in Tarleton State University earns, list of employees with salaries.
31 sty 2001 · Tarleton’s Comprehensive Pay Plan is derived from the Texas A&M System-wide Pay Plan which contains job profiles and rates of pay for each position utilized at Tarleton State University. Human Resources Office of Compensation and Recruitment has been delegated the responsibility for the application of this system-wide pay plan for campus.