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1 dzień temu · Enter the date you want to convert. This can be done using the drop-down menus or text fields provided by the converter. Click the "Convert" button to initiate the conversion. The Hijri date converter will calculate the equivalent date in the other calendar and display the result.
- AR
تحويل التاريخ من ميلادي الى هجري او من هجري الى ميلادي او من...
- Ramadan
Next Ramadan in Hijri (Arabic) 01 Ramadan 1446: Next Ramadan...
- World
Hijri dates for all countries around the world based on...
- Solar Calendar
1402 Solar calendar for full solar year 1402 and this...
- Hijri Calendar
1445 Hijri calendar and it's call Arabic calenar and some...
- 2024 Gregorian Calendar
Printing a 2024 Calendar: Staying Organized and On Track....
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Hijri Date, provides services of Arabic Islamic calendar and...
- Prayer Times
Prayer times here you can know what is prayer time for any...
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Takwim atau kalendar boleh dibahagikan mengikut objek astronomi Kalendar Suria (Solar), Kalendar Qamari atau Lunar (Bulan) serta Kalendar Lunisolar (bulan dan matahari). Kalendar Suria adalah berpandukan matahari semata-mata, iaitu mengikut perubahan musim.
8 lut 2024 · With just a few clicks, with Hijri Date Converter, you can convert dates from Hijri to Gregorian and Gregorian to Hijri and sync the Hijri dates with the regular calendar. The Islamic Calendar is based on the Hijri Year. The Hijri Year started when the Prophet (PBUH) migrated from Makkah to Madinah.
Download the Muslim calendar of 1446 Hijrah and Gregorian calendar and Islamic Calendar 2024 date today. Find the most accurate Islamic calendar 2024 with Islamic month names and Hijri calendar 1446 to the Gregorian calendar on IslamicFinder.
3 sie 2023 · Takwim Hijriah mula diperkenalkan pada tahun ke-17 selepas peristiwa Hijrah iaitu semasa pemerintahan Khalifah Islam kedua, Khalifah Umar Ibn al-Khattab dalam tahun 638 Miladiah. Penyusunan semula takwim Hijriah ini berlaku apabila beliau menerima tiga pucuk surat yang telah mengelirukan iaitu:
Up-to-date information about the current date in the Islamic calendar, including the Hijri calendar. Monthly and yearly calendars, complete with important dates and holidays, such as Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr. An online converter between Gregorian and Hijri dates, so you can always calculate Islamic dates.
9 gru 2020 · Muat Turun Takwim; Published: 09 December 2020 Hits: 11956 Print Email You are here: Home. Prayer & Mosque Calendars & Important Dates in Islam JABATAN KEMAJUAN ISLAM MALAYSIA (JAKIM) Blok A dan B, Kompleks Islam Putrajaya, No 23, Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman, Presint 3, 62100 Putrajaya ...