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25 lut 2017 · You can add an extra property, d, that concatenates the stringified values of a, b, and c, using appropriate delimiter(s) to separate the substrings (such that, for example, the a/b delimiter is a character that never appears in a or b). You can then create a uniqueness constraint on d. [UPDATE]
This example shows how to create a constraint for nodes that have the label Movie and the property title. The constraint specifies that the title property must be unique.
Single property uniqueness constraints are created with the following commands: Node property uniqueness constraints: CREATE CONSTRAINT constraint_name FOR (n:Label) REQUIRE IS UNIQUE. Relationship property uniqueness constraints: CREATE CONSTRAINT constraint_name FOR ()- [r:REL_TYPE]- () REQUIRE IS UNIQUE. Introduced in 5.7.
6 kwi 2021 · In SQL Server, unique constraints can be created over multiple columns, while in Neo4j, this type of constraint can be created for one column. This means that we cannot migrate unique constraints for multiple columns.
Constraint Types. In Neo4j, you can create uniqueness constraints and property existence constraints. Uniqueness Constraint Specifies that the property must contain a unique value (i.e. no two nodes with an Artist label can share a value for the Name property.) Property Existence Constraint
You add a uniqueness constraint to the graph by creating a constraint that asserts that a particular node property is unique in the graph for a particular type of node. Here is an example for ensuring that the title for a node of type Movie is unique:
Here is the syntax for creating a uniqueness constraint for a set of properties: FOR (x: <node_label>) This constraint ensures that a set of values for a node’s properties will be unique. Execute this code to create a uniqueness constraint for the Movie.released and Movie.title properties: FOR (x: Movie)