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  1. Checks your text for grammar mistakes and helps you find the right tone. Elevate your writing with our free and AI-powered paraphraser. Instantly correct or rephrase your sentences in different tones. Correction only checks and corrects your text for grammar, spelling, and style suggestions, and applies them as appropriate.

  2. Quickly reword sentences for essays, emails, articles, and more. Add your text, click Paraphrase, and your paraphrased text will appear here. Grammarly’s free AI paraphrasing tool makes it easy to create high-quality, mistake-free paraphrases.

  3. Paraphrasing tool to rephrase your text, paragraph, sentence, article, and essay for free. Give a try to this AI paraphraser here👇. Select a word to display available synonyms suggestions or revert back to original word. Why RewriteGuru’s Paraphrasing Tool?

  4. Free online grammar checker: check your English texts for spelling, grammar, punctuation and style in one click. Enhance your writing with our AI-based Rephraser.

  5. Quickly rephrase and reword any text for essays, articles, emails, and more. Swiftly reword and rephrase sentences or paragraphs for posts, emails or articles. Experience the power of efficiency! Our free summarizer simplifies content, saving time and effort.

  6. Free Grammar Checker. QuillBot's free online AI grammar checker tool is built to help professionals review text for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. Whenever you need to review your writing—or grammar check emails, documents, reports, and more—QuillBot makes editing painless.

  7. Instantly check grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors with LanguageTool's AI-powered grammar checker. Enhance your writing in over 30 languages with ease.