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  1. 17 wrz 2021 · W tym artykule przedstawiono dwie metody ponownej konfiguracji poświadczeń używanych przez program Time Machine. Wypróbuj jedną lub obie metody, aby rozwiązać problem. Metoda 1. Na komputerze Mac kliknij kolejno Idź > Połącz z serwerem. Wprowadź adres IP serwera Synology NAS.

    • Deutsch

      Sie können jetzt zum Time Machine-Fenster zurückkehren, Ihre...

    • Nederland

      U kunt nu teruggaan naar het Time Machine-venster om uw...

    • France

      Vous pouvez maintenant revenir à la fenêtre Time Machine...

    • Italia

      In questo articolo sono forniti due metodi per riconfigurare...

  2. 22 wrz 2021 · If you receive the error message "There was a problem connecting to the server" when attempting to set up your Synology NAS as Time Machine Backup Disk on Mac, the issue may be caused by incorrect credentials stored in Keychain Access.

  3. 28 sty 2022 · Apple has *NEVER* supported Time Machine via NAS (exception: their old Time Capsule product which has been discontinued for years). It is a 100% issue with macOS 11 and 12. I have some older MacBooks running High Sierra that have zero issues.

  4. With these 2 above fixes, Time Machine has been working pretty great on the synology. Note, if you have a huge backup, item (1) can be a real pain as it may take days to backup. A 10Gbe connection might become necessary if you need to get 20TB done in "one shot".

  5. 4 paź 2024 · I have Synology NAS and use Time Machine service (all device in same local network). It's working fine for years. After successful update to Sonoma 15.0.1 i received error message: The backup disk image was ejected or disconnected from your Mac while backing up. I tried restart my devices.

  6. 9 mar 2019 · I have the Synology using bonded 1g ports, and am using time machine on a macbook pro with a 1g network connection. The performnce runs from as low as 1mb/sec to maybe 30 gb/sec. Is this an issue with time machine, something with the synology settings, or the nature of the beast?

  7. 21 sty 2017 · I have tried deleting and re-selecting the backup disk in time machine but always receive an error “Time Machine Couldn’t Back up to <TM_Share>”. Has anyone had success in making TM work with DSM 6.1 under MacOS Sierra?

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