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  1. Pogoda w Lipiec jest sprzyjająca na ponad 42% obszaru Sumatra. Najlepsze miesiące na wyjazd do Medany to Luty, Marzec, Kwiecień i Czerwiec. Średnio, jest gorąco przez cały rok w mieście Medan. Najbardziej deszczowe opady w tym mieście to Maj, Sierpień, Wrzesień, Październik, Listopad i Grudzień.

  2. 8 mar 2021 · Sumatra is hot and wet throughout the year. Use this guide to learn about the seasons, weather averages, rainfall, best times to travel, and more.

  3. The best time to visit Sumatra, Indonesia, is during dry season, which falls roughly between February and October in North Sumatra, and March to November in South Sumatra. With less rain, bad roads are easier to navigate, smaller islands are easier to access by boat across calmer seas, and the conditions are better for trekking.

  4. Pogoda i klimat na podróż do Sumatry 2024: Kiedy najlepiej jechać? Sumatra - roczna tabela indeksu UV ☀ Sumatra temperatura wody w miejscowościach Zjawiska pogodowe zarejestrowane w poprzednich latach na Sumatrze ☃ Długoterminowa prognoza pogody na 30 dni dla SumatrySumatra: przewodnik po warunkach pogodowych miesiąc po miesiącu ...

  5. The seasonal climate forecast for the region of Sumatra shows the monthly mean temperature and precipitation anomalies for the next 6 months in the top panel. The forecast is regional for areas of 100 km by 100 km or larger.

  6. 18 lut 2021 · The best time to visit Sumatra is from May to August, during the peak of the dry season, when the weather is warm enough to explore the fascinating indigenous cultures and the rainforests. What is the hottest month in Sumatra?

  7. The island's wet season arrives in October in northern Sumatra and begins to affect the more southerly climate during November. January and February tend to be the wettest months, when tropical rainy weather can have an effect on travel plans and disrupt sightseeing.

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