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  1. 15 paź 2024 · The Ottoman Empire undertook extensive reforms between 1839 and 1876, a period known as the Tanzimat (reorganization). Europeanized Ottoman bureaucrats and a series of decrees from the sultan shaped these reforms that sought administrative, military, legal, and educational improvements.

  2. The Gülhane Hatt-ı Şerif ("Supreme Edict of the Rosehouse"; French: Hatti-Chérif de Gulhané) or Tanzimât Fermânı ("Imperial Edict of Reorganization") was a proclamation by Ottoman Sultan Abdülmecid I in 1839 that launched the Tanzimât period of reforms and reorganization in the Ottoman Empire. The 125th anniversary of the edict was ...

  3. Abdulhamid or Abdul Hamid II (Ottoman Turkish: عبد الحميد ثانی, romanized: Abd ul-Hamid-i s̱ānī; Turkish: II. Abdülhamid; 21 September 1842 – 10 February 1918) was the 34th sultan of the Ottoman Empire, from 1876 to 1909, and the last sultan to exert effective control over the fracturing state. [3] He oversaw a period of decline with rebellions (particularly in the Balkans ...

  4. These laws were thus usually established by decree. Over the course of two and a half centuries, different parts of the empire were subject to decrees issued by many sultans, often substantially different from one another and sometimes contradictory.

  5. Preface. n Middle Eastern history, marking the beginning of the era of reforms in the Ottoman Empire. This period, which begins with the announcement of this decree and ends with the promulgation of a Western-style constitution, is collectively known in Ottoman history as the Tanzimat, .

  6. The G ü lhane Imperial Edict (G ü lhane Hatt- ı H ü mayunu) of 1839 declared a set of legal, administrative, and fiscal reforms in order to strengthen the Ottoman state and make it a member of the new European diplomatic order. The edict was proclaimed on the accession of the new sultan, Abd ü lmecit I (1839 – 1861), on 3 November 1839.

  7. 5 paź 2024 · The reformed army and administration became the agents by which the sultan extended his authority over the semi-independent governors, local notables, valley lords, and other groups that had wielded political power in various parts of the empire.

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