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Formerly Statoil, we are 22,000 committed colleagues developing oil, gas, wind and solar energy in more than 30 countries worldwide.
The Norwegian oil and gas giant Statoil presented its latest Energy Perspectives report earlier this month, drawing up three possible scenarios for global en...
The Norwegian energy company Statoil is about to change name.–. Statoil has for almost 50 years served us well. L...
May.04 -- Statoil CEO Eldar Saetre discusses the production of oil and gas, and talks about expanding into renewable energy. He speaks on "Bloomberg Markets."
The Paris Agreement on climate change is a landmark international agreement which caps global warming. Many campaigners argue that the United Nations deal sp...
Changing the company name from Statoil to Equinor became CEO Eldar Sætre’s most emotional decision ever. But the name change was both important and right. The day before 17 May 2018 – Norway’s Constitution Day – the story of Norway’s largest company took a new turn.
22 maj 2018 · Walne zgromadzenie firmy Statoil podjęło decyzję w sprawie zmiany nazwy firmy na Equinor. Norweska firma nie chce się już kojarzyć tylko z ropą, bo zgodnie z nową strategią coraz większą wagę przywiązuje do inwestycji w obszarze energetyki odnawialnej.