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  1. Foreign Per Diem Rates In U.S. Dollars DSSR 925 Country: COLOMBIA Publication Date: 12/01/2024

  2. Foreign Per Diem Rates In U.S. Dollars DSSR 925 Country: COLOMBIA Publication Date: 12/01/2024

  3. 30 maj 2023 · Foreign per diem rates for more than 85 locations, including Bogota, Cape Town, and Rio de Janeiro, were updated by the US State Department and take effect June 1.

  4. Foreign Per Diem Rates In U.S. Dollars DSSR 925 All Locations Publication Date: 12/01/2024

  5. › travel › plan-bookPer diem rates - GSA

    28 wrz 2024 · GSA establishes the rates that federal agencies use to reimburse their employees for lodging and meals and incidental expenses incurred while on official travel within the continental United States (CONUS).

  6. Foreign Per Diem Rates by Location DSSR 925. You may use the dropdown box below to select a country. Entering the first letter of the country name will jump to that portion of the listing. Clicking "Go" will display Per Diem data for all locations within the country selected.

  7. The Department of State Office of Allowances develops and coordinates policies, regulations, standards, and procedures to administer the government-wide allowances and benefits program abroad under the Department of State Standardized Regulations (DSSR).

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