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Check the StarCraft 2 system requirements. Can I Run it? Test your specs and rate your gaming PC. System requirements Lab runs millions of PC requirements tests on over 8,500 games a month.
Below are the minimum and recommended system specifications for StarCraft® II for Windows® and Mac®. Due to potential programming changes, the minimum system requirements for StarCraft II may change over time. Note: For a list of compatible video hardware, see our Supported Video Cards list.
27 lip 2010 · Oficjalne wymagania systemowe gry StarCraft 2. Aby uruchomić StarCraft 2, będziesz potrzebował co najmniej 2 GB pamięci RAM i 30 GB wolnego miejsca na dysku. Gra wymaga minimalnej karty graficznej, takiej jak GeForce 7600 GT, ale dla lepszych wrażeń twórcy zalecają użycie GeForce GTX 650.
27 lip 2010 · Official StarCraft 2 system requirements for PC. To run StarCraft 2, you'll need at least 2 GB of RAM and 30 GB of free disk space. The game requires a minimum graphics card like the GeForce 7600 GT, but for a better experience, the developers recommend using an GeForce GTX 650.
Poniżej znajdują się minimalne i zalecane wymagania sprzętowe gry StarCraft® II na komputerach Mac® i systemy Windows®. Z powodu potencjalnych zmian programowych minimalne wymagania sprzętowe gry StarCraft II mogą z czasem ulec zmianie.
There are only official system requirements on the site which are released by developers or an official publisher. Can you run it? Compare the system requirements with a configuration you can add below.
10 lip 2023 · Here are the minimum and recommended system requirements for StarCraft 2 on Microsoft Windows and macOS. Check your PC specifications and compare them with the system requirements. If your PC meets the requirements, you can play the game without problems.